Hola, I’m Mohamed Samy, A product designer & Design sprint facilitator.
Based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

I believe that the designer’s main role is discovering the pain points in your product and trying to solve them because good design is not just what looks good; the good design should be usable and always the simplest possible working solution that fits the user's needs.

I Like making cool things with cool people and always try to be involved throughout the whole process from initial sketch to final deployment. 

Senior Product Designer at ReaQta
Product Designer at Crowdanalyzer
Product Designer at Ego Cab, 
User Experience Designer at Vodafone Egypt

Favorite Series
la casa de Papel - Money Heist
Game of thrones 

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Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello 
Mohamedsamy92 {@} hotmil.com